Library creation

Library creation

Choose analytics properties and filter for the pages you care about

Creating your first library

Libraries are collections of content where you’ll be able to see smart recommendations and analytics for individual pages. Depending on the size of your site, you might want to create separate libraries for different buckets of content (e.g. your marketing site, your docs site and your community site).

Creating a useful library is key to getting the most out of ércule.

To create a library:

  1. Pick a name.
  2. Select a Google Analytics account.
  3. From within that account, pick a specific property to connect.
  4. Optional: add a page path filter to see only pages that live at /xyz.
  5. Optional: connect the Search Console account that matches your GA property.
  6. Click “Next”.

Library Syncing

After creating your library, you’ll see an empty dashboard and a notification that says “Library currently syncing”.

The process of syncing data to an ércule library may take a few minutes while we intelligently roll up and analyze your data (for very large libraries it may take up to 10 minutes). To check on your current sync status, look for this section in the bottom of the sidebar.
